Make Trybe in association with the Awaken Center of Kansas City, Lucky Baby Tea Co. and For Strange Women offer a meditation series called Saved by Fiction, in which the lessons of Atticus Finch or Hester Prynne translate into the magical aids on your journey of clarity, self discovery, or just the end of a really long day.
Sometimes when you read, your mind drifts and you end up tracing the same line 5 times having not once actually taken in what you read, and suddenly you're scolding yourself to re-focus. In SBF, we encourage your mind to drift into that very state. Everyone likes to be read to, to sit back and let the soothing nature of hearing but not hearing allow our minds to be both full and empty simultaneously, to let words come in but to not hold onto them.
Born from a simultaneous love of classic literature [of all canons] and zazen meditation, Saved by Fiction is a 90 minute guided meditation/gathering in which a portion of a book is read during the sitting portion of meditation [fiction, pros, poetry] with kinhin breaks [walking clockwise loops] at the middle, and end of sitting.
We will have intoxicating perfume balms that can be used as an aid in meditation from For Strange Women and the amazing Lucky Baby Tea Company will be serving its wonderful wiles pre sitting.
Featured Fiction: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
Bring a sitting pillow or thin blanket [concrete floor]