This is a tool developed as an amalgamation of the Native American Medicine Wheel and Jungian Interpretation of Alchemical Transmutation. Each point on the path is representative of a stage of the specific transition points in life.
Anyplace can be setup to facilitate an event, after a wheel is established, participants are invited to 'walk the wheel' or 'walk story,' thus sharing their experiences surrounding each shield and journey of their lives. Not only does this compel individuals to share their story and thus both take stock of it and root them back within it, but brings them into deeper relationship with those that bear witness. Perfect for all contexts, from classrooms to conference rooms.
South: Childhood
Nigredo: Severance
West: Adolescence
Albedo: Threshold
North: Adulthood
Citrinitas: Incorporation
East: Elderhood
Rubedo: Illumination
Axis Mundi: Unification
mentoring the future film and curriculum initiative
Out of our shared interest and passion for mentorship and transition, Make Trybe and Warrior Films have joined forces on a project entitled: "Mentoring the Future." Frederick Marx, the founder of Warrior Films produced a short film that depicts through interviews, examples, narrative, and animation both the perils of not having meaningful transitions and the beautiful work happening all over the world to bring them into reality.
Make Trybe was contracted to create 5 curriculums to be utilized in tandem with dissemination of the film based on the guiding principles of Whole Person Development. The curriculums provide points of entry into basic conversations, information on delving deeper into concepts, practicums for dynamic application, and external resources for added support. Each are available for free download below:
identity arts student wellness program
The integration of rites of passage into secondary and post secondary education as a necessary extension of the student experience, is vital to engendering a flourishing adulthood. It's imperative for our young to not just learn the workings of one's major, but also of one's person.
The Identity Arts program is a weekly course offered to teens and young adults 15 and above. This program is specifically designed to address and engage youth in conversations about the 3 central aspects of coming of age in the 21st century. Those topics are identity, communication, and relationships. These are examined through in class read and response, group work, and various other self directed projects.
The course is broken into 4 central blocks based around a cumulative model. Beginning with exploring identity, then self in relation to place and community, moving onto communication, and finally to action based on what we find. Each block will end with a ‘Council’ which will run a bit longer than the average week, this is a specific type of group work being used across schools on the West Coast and in many social justice situations across the world. The model enforces the creation of safe space in which all participants speak from a place of true equality.
Finally the course will build upon the final act of a 3-day weekend vision fast, using a cultivation chart [tool used to tease out goals and those things standing in the way of their achievement] and intent statement [a student designed statement that embodies who they are and are becoming]. During this process the students will build their own structure, sit with themselves, and come back on their own terms as initiated young adults. In this they have the opportunity to come back wholly acknowledging their gifts and be better in touch with themselves as individuals and extensions of their community.